We had to do one drawing of each character fully rendered in the medium we would do full black and white (no color :-( illustrations in, if we were chosen to fully illustrate the manuscript. I would have done the illustrations in a digital medium, but given the story's sort of outdoorsy nature, I wanted to stick to a media that was more organic. Not that this can't be achieved digitally, maybe i just wanted the additional challenge of something non-digital. I dunno.
I decided to render the characters in graphite first, to get a feel for how i would render them in gray tones. Then I chose to do one character each in Payne's Gray watercolor. (The characters with the shadows underneath them have been rendered in watercolor, with some blacks added in Micron pen.) I used a surface that was new to me, Aquaboard, which is a clayboard meant for watercolors. I actually really liked it. I got relatively clean gradations, and was able to work with the brush in a way similar to my Prismacolor colored pencils.
Let me know what you think!