The Society of Illustrators is such an incredible place. I had been a few times before, but had never been upstairs, where they have an absolutely amazing art collection on the walls, including a Norman Rockwell painting above a beautiful wooden bar area. I could tell many great illustrators have sat and discussed their craft over a brew. You could feel the history in that room. Made me love the place even more!
The next day, Pat and I set out to enjoy more of the city. Both of us had lived in Manhattan at different points in our life, but neither of us had ever walked on the Brooklyn Bridge until this trip.

We also got rush tickets to a very interesting, interactive show called Fuerza Bruta. I can't explain it very well other to say it's a completely fun, exciting experience, and a very unique take on theater. You'll have to watch the video and see their website. We highly recommend!!
...and no trip to New York is complete without a stop to one of my favorite book stores, Books of Wonder, a children's book store that is so beautiful. Lots of signed books, great author and illustrator events, a gallery of children's book art on display, and a section of rare and antique editions. On this visit I noticed that they even have a great collection of graphic novels-- I spotted Chris Schweitzer's Crogran books!

Now time to get back to drawing! I have to keep working hard so someday I can have another piece at the Society!